
Specialist Permanent Recruitment

In the world of corporate recruitment, a universal approach doesn't suffice. Each organisation possesses distinct requirements, culture, and vision. My methodology revolves around formulating personalised recruitment strategies that resonate with the unique needs of every client. I work closely with your organisation to develop a customised recruitment strategy tailored to your unique needs and the specific requirements of each position.

Job Design/Job Description

Job design is a critical element in organisational success, whether building, growing, or refining. It ensures the creation of suitable roles and identifies the right candidates, fostering long-term success through employee satisfaction and productivity. This design process contributes to writing effective job descriptions, foundational in recruitment. Well-crafted descriptions attract the right candidates, set expectations, ensure compliance, and enhance communication. Detailed job descriptions reduce surprises for candidates, contributing to successful recruitment and long-term performance


As your dedicated outplacement services provider, I understand the importance of organisations adopting these services as part of their commitment to corporate social responsibility or compliance with legal and contractual obligations. These services include Career counselling, Networking Support, Interview Coaching, Skills gap analysis, psychological support, and a social media and resume review. Embracing outplacement services not only demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of your employees during challenging times but also significantly contributes to maintaining a positive employer brand and reputation in the labour market.

Unbundled Recruitment Services

At Entirety we offer unbundled recruitment services this approach allows businesses to tailor their recruitment strategy according to their specific needs and budget constraints. It also provides more flexibility and control over the hiring process. Some clients choose to handle certain aspects of recruitment internally while outsourcing others. Instead of engaging in a full recruitment process to handle the entire hiring process, clients can opt for specific services based on their needs.

Career Transition Coaching

Working with a career transition coach can provide numerous benefits for individuals seeking to change careers or promotions within their current organisation. My approach is to understand you, build your confidence, and help navigate the blockages that may be holding you back, with care and humour. One-on-one coaching allows for a personalised approach, addressing the unique needs, concerns, and goals of each individual throughout the career transition process. Coaches facilitate ongoing reflection and adjustment, supporting individuals in their professional growth and helping them adapt to changes in the job market.